Friday, September 10, 2010

Savvy by Ingrid Law


  1. It was my second favorite book. Before I read all these amazing winners. I liked the story about this family with powers(savvy) of there own. But like most books I get bored in the middle where they just talk and talk about things that are boring. Of course I can't give an examples because I was so bored I forgot what I read in two minutes. That does not mean I don't like this book.
    Almost one-fourth of the books I read gets boring. But this one is different because I actually read the boring parts. I usually skip it. I read it for Savvy even though I forgot it in two seconds. Well the truth is i remembered some parts. Most of the boring parts were when they were on the bus. It was when Mib started thinking about his dad. It was kind of boring. But their adventure was totally awesome. Having cops trying to catch them everywhere, having a mother who is perfect and does perfect thing, and thinking that the bus would go the way they wanted to but went the opposite way, is just so cool.
    When I was reading it I was thinking, next year when I turn thirteen I would want a savvy too. After I finish a book, I usually go on Google and search the book. I just went and found a website. It said there was going to be a book called Scumble also written by Ingrid Law. It's about Mib's little brother turning thirteen. I am looking forward to that book.

  2. Savvy was Great book, no terrific, even spectacular.

    I like this book because Its very different but different in a good way, although there was some boring parts it was one of the best books I have readd

    -Gaurav Kang

  3. Savvy is a great book! At first, I didn’t want to read it because it looked lengthy book and also first few page were a bit boring. But I decided to read it anyway because I wanted to find out how the story ends. It wasn’t like AWESOME, but it was still pretty good. There were still some boring parts in the middle of the book. After I read the book, I couldn’t wait to turn 13. I also can’t wait for the second book scrumble to come out. I would rate this book 8 out of 10. I am sure that this book will make turning 13, even better.

  4. Savvy

    Savvy is about a girls named Mibs, and her family gets a supernatural power, or a savvy, at their thirteenth birthday. When Mibs dad gets hit by a car, she goes on a journey to use that savvy to wake up her dad.

    I can think of Savvy like a stream turning into a river. It gets going with the drop into the life of the Beaumont family , telling what might happen. Then things that would seem unimportant happen, like the meeting with the drunk homeless man, and Lill Kietley hitchhiking with them. But they add to the story, like a butterfly causing a tornado right before your eyes. But some things, like why Will's name is Will Junior, disappoint you at the end since they don't amount to as much as you you would hope. I think that a sequel showing the importance of those things would be very good to read. But it is a new twist on the super power theme, and was very enjoyable.

    I would recommend this book to those with patience for long books. If you read by skipping around, even missing one page could mean that you missed something very important. Those who don't see much in plots, and like action, explosions, and gunfights may hate this book, as it's more about how the characters train of thought changes with what happens, rather than the disasters that happen. If you are one of those with a 0.8231 millisecond attention span, you will not like this. I would rate this book a 8 out of 10. A sequel about what Mibs does with Will and that wraps up the book better would be very nice. I get frustrated with books that leave that many things hanging, but others may like it better.
