Friday, September 10, 2010

Ignatius MacFarland:Frequenaut! by Paul Feig


  1. Ignatius MacFarland:Frequenaut was not one of my favourites. I give it a 5 out of 10. I thought that the book was repetitive in parts, but I think that it would appeal to boys more than girls.

  2. Frequenaut was a book about an alternate frequency. It wasn’t that good of a book but I think it was very descriptive. I didn’t like it because the book was a little too long. Also, the language was not as good as some other books. It was still worthy enough that I read all of it. I had a hard time getting into the story. Also there were only a few boring parts. I would rate this book 6 out of 10. I would recommend this book for anyone who likes odd sort of stories.

  3. Frequenaut
    Frequenaut is about a guy named Ignatius that is tired of being teased and builds a spaceship to meet any aliens that are nicer. Not being very smart, he makes a rocket out of fireworks and metal garbage cans. Instead of being blown into a million pieces, is transported to another frequency. A frequency is like a parallel universe, but that universe is anything but parallel. There, he meets a maniacal teacher, and is running for his life.
    Frequenaut is very funny, as random things keep happening, like a cat that thinks it’s a dog pees on Iggy. The world is still Earth, but it is fantastically alien, with giant mole men and squid things. Understandably, Iggy is on the verge of wetting his pants, and whenever he is accidentally breaking the sky person’s arm or being chased by an army of aliens, it’s always funny. The physics isn’t completely accurate, as the creatures and the time will change the environment. But the aliens act just like people, in that they complain when interrupted, they are concerned about friends, and many other things. The aliens have many different appearances, like being a giant octopus, a extendable weasel, and many other wierd things.

    I would recommend this book to those who only like a little plot and more funny parts in books. I rate this book 7.5, since my taste is in more of a plot.
